Do you have problems logging in?

If you have forgotten your password, but your account is not closed, you can request a new password by clicking on the button below.

To do this, have your 7-digit e-Channel ID ready and your bank card, if you have one.

If you have forgotten your password, but your account is not closed, you can request a new password by clicking on the button below.

To do this, have your 7-digit e-Channel ID ready and your bank card, if you have one.

Are you stuck somewhere else?

You will find help here: Digital services manual

Are you stuck somewhere else?

You will find help here: Digital services manual

How to request a new password, if your account is blocked?

Call TeleBank on +36 1 298 0222 around the clock and choose menu item 2/2!

For TeleBank authentication you will need

  • your e-Channel ID (7 digits and the same as your previous TeleBank / NetBank ID) and 
  • your e-Channel PIN (TPIN). This is a 4-digit code that you received in an envelope or via SMS when you signed the TeleBank contract.

How to request a new password, if your account is blocked?

Call TeleBank on +36 1 298 0222 around the clock and choose menu item 2/2!

For TeleBank authentication you will need

  • your e-Channel ID (7 digits and the same as your previous TeleBank / NetBank ID) and 
  • your e-Channel PIN (TPIN). This is a 4-digit code that you received in an envelope or via SMS when you signed the TeleBank contract.